The April schedule is posted. I will be off the week of April 21st for a little spring break for myself. Thank You! Coach Dan.
Rock and Fire Message Center
- ** Adelphi
- Albright
- Alvernia
- **American International
- ** Bloomsburg
- *Boston College
- *Boston University
- Cabrini
- *Canisius
- **Clarion
- *Coastal Carolina
- *Columbia
- Del/Val
- DeSales
- Drew
- *Drexel
- **East Stroudsburg
- *Eastern Louisiana State
- *Elon
- *Fordham
- **Georgian Court
- Gettysburg
- **Goldy Beacum
- *Hofstra
- Hood
- Immaculatta
- **IUP
- **Kutztown
- *Layfette
- Lebanon Valley
- *Lehigh
- **Lock Haven
- *Long Island U
- Manhattan
- **Mansfield
- Messiah
- **Millersville
- Misericordia
- *Monmouth
- *Mount St. Mary's
- Muhlenberg
- Northampton
- *Penn
- Penn/Tech
- **Post
- PSU Altoona
- PSU Berks
- PSU Harrisburg
- **Queens
- *Quinipiac
- Randolph Macon
- **Robert Morris
- *Rutgers
- Scranton
- *Seton Hall
- *South Carolina
- *St. Bonaventure
- *St. Joes
- **St. Peters
- *Stonybrook
- *Syracuse
- *Towson
- Trenton State
- **Tusculum
- **U/Bridgeport
- U/Sciences
- *U/St. Louis
- *U/Virginia
- Ursinus
- *USF
- **Valdosta State
- Washington
- Washington College
- **West Chester
- Wilkes * Division 1 ** Division 2
College Commitments
- Ericka Macke-Canisius-Fall 2014
- Erin Smith - Bloomsburg University - Fall 2014
- Jess Dreswick - Boston College - Fall 2014
- Krysten Marinelli - Lafayette College - Fall 2013
- Katie Erb (Daniel Boone HS) - West Chester University - FALL 2012
- Meredith Katona (Lady Fireballs and WC Bayard Rustin HS) - Washington College, Chestertown, MD FALL 2012
- Tara Senn (Chester County Stars and Downingtown East HS) -Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring 2013
- Brianna Andraos (East Norriton Heartbreakers and West Chester East HS) - Millersville FALL 2012
- Sammy Derr, Warwick HS / East Norriton Heart Breakers - Kutztown University FALL 2010/ Lebanon Valley Fall 2012
- Devon Utterback, Central Bucks South HS / East Coast Elite Gold...West Chester University - SPRING 2010
- Kelly King, Bethlehem Catholic HS / Delco Diamonds....Indiana University of Pennsylvania - FALL 2010/Tusculum Fall 2012
- Jamie Hampsey - University of Scranton FALL 2012
- Jayme Babzack - Messiah FALL 2012
- Maddi Galdi - Gettysburg College FALL 2012
- Emily Hofmann (Penn Ridge H.S.) Indiana University of Pa. FALL 2012
- Kayla Kressley (Becca H.S.) Post University FALL 2012
- Sydney Robey (Downingtown West H.S.) Quinnipiac University - FALL 2012
- Lindsey Larkin, (Fulton NY HS) - Syracuse University - FALL 2012
- Mari Wright, East Stroudsburg University - FALL 201
- Carissa Harris, Widener University - FALL 2011
- Alexia Campbell, Indiana University of Pennsylvania - FALL 2011
- Brooke Darling, Elk Lake HS, and T.C. Tremors Gold, Columbia University - FALL 2012
- Lisa Seidler, Archbishop Wood HS, Alvernia University - FALL 2011
- Jess Armilly....Misericordia University, Dallas PA - FALL 2010
- Morgan Mastriana....University of Costal Carolina - FALL 2011
- Kate Candillo.... University of Bridgeport
- Kelly Goslin, Coatesville HS / Springford Sting....Kutztown University - FALL 2010